Here is a list of teachers involved in the New Apostolic Reformation Movement (NAR) & the Word of Faith Movement (WOF). This list is not exhaustive but should give you an idea of the main teachers in these movements.

AA Allen-NAR

Benny Hinn-WOF-NAR

Bill Hamon-NAR

Bill Johnson-NAR

Billy Joe Daugherty-G12

Bob Jones-NAR Kansas City Prophets

Bob Weiner-Dominionist

Brighton Trinity Church-ALPHA-NAR

Cal Pierce-NAR

Charles Capps-WOF

Che Ahn-NAR

Chuck Pierce – NAR

Cindy Jacobs-NAR

Creflo Dollar-WOF

David Cho- Korean Pastor Teaching Visualization

Earl Paulk-Kingdom Now

Eddie Long-WOF

Franklin Hall-NAR

Fred Price-WOF

George Otis-Transformational Videos

George Warnock-NAR

Jack Hayford-Hypercharismatic

Jamie Buckingham-WOF Sympathiser

Jane Hansen Hoyt-NAR

Jerry Seville-WOF

Jesse Duplantis-WOF

Joel Osteen-WOF, Prosperity Gospel

John Arnott-Toronto Blessing-NAR

John Dawson-YWAM-Dominionist

John Hagee-Believes Jews Do Not Need Jesus

John Stockwell-G12

John Wimber-Vineyard Church

Joyce Meyers-WOF

Kenneth Copeland-WOF

Kenneth Hagin-WOF

Lou Engle-NAR

Marilyn Hickey-WOF

Mike Bickle-NAR

Oral Roberts- Seed Faith Heresy

Pat Robertson-Dominionist

Patricia King-NAR

Paul Billheimer-Dominionist

Paul Cain-NAR

Paul Crouch-WOF

Paula White-WOF

Peter Wagner-NAR

Randy Clark-NAR

Richard Roberts- Seed Faith heresy

Rick Joyner-NAR

Robert Tilton-WOF

Rod Parsley-WOF

Rodney Howard-Brown-NAR

TD Jakes-WOF

Ted Haggard-NAR

TL Osborn-WOF

Todd Bentley-NAR

William Branham-NAR (founder of latter day rain heresy) 

*For more info you can check out: